It has been a while since I visited this site. I’ve been busy with my other blog and my research work. Apart from that I spend most of my time deleting all the spam I got in the online forum. SPAM! so annoying. Anyway, just an update with my research, I’m still interested in issues around identity and how this informs our day to day life. It sounds simple but it isn’t. I’ve been trying to make explicit statements about it since then..
I also changed my title to be closer to communication design, that’s my main area. I’m also in the process of analyzing the online forum and find the connection with the overall process, from designing the online forum to the process of using it as a research tool. I’ve been reading several topics, some related to my research, some not. But it all does help somehow, someway. Furthermore I started teaching some design subjects in a college in Melbourne CBD. I find teaching fascinating.
I had a small break, and always find it too short, but enough for now. Would love to have it more often though. Well, I guess I’ll travel again another time, till then…